Ultimate soft skills to engage your stakeholders (part 2)

The art of stakeholder engagement is one of the essential skills for a Project Manager, therefore all project professionals should dedicate time to identifying, studying and practically developing their soft skills to ensure that project stakeholders help, rather than hinder project success.  Soft skills are the unseen qualities against the hard skills (i.e qualifications).  An… Read More Ultimate soft skills to engage your stakeholders (part 2)

Ultimate soft skills to engage your stakeholders (part 1)

The art of stakeholder engagement is one of the essential skills for a Project Manager, therefore all project professionals should dedicate time to identifying, studying and practically developing their soft skills to ensure that project stakeholders help, rather than hinder project success.  Soft skills are the unseen qualities against the hard skills (i.e qualifications).  An… Read More Ultimate soft skills to engage your stakeholders (part 1)

6 reasons Project Managers should read history

There are numerous writings that detail the importance of why history matters, these usually appeal on the level of  studying human behaviour, achievement and understanding where we come from.  Perhaps idealistic, there is belief that by knowing the past, the same mistakes can be avoided in future. It is valued in political and management literature from… Read More 6 reasons Project Managers should read history

A more innovative approach to Project Management

Welcome to my blog.  I created this community for innovative Project Managers to discuss and share creative approaches to solve problems and present established information in new ways. As part of my posting I will be sharing various data, templates and tutorials to create exciting project tools that will help engage your intended stakeholders. If… Read More A more innovative approach to Project Management